
Frederick University (FredU) – Cyprus (Coordinator)

Frederick University (FredU) is an energetic and vibrant private university operating in Cyprus. FredU, and in particular the Department of Arts and Communication, has a multidisciplinary research philosophy and approach between Art, Design and Media & Communication fields. Theoretical research and methodological models are further expanded and developed contributing to innovative, experimental, and pioneering research, artistic projects and advanced design applications. In addition, artistic projects initiatives (their processes, visual, cultural and social manifestations) form the basis for academic research resulting in an interconnected structure of research, practice and design in the Visual Arts. Specialized subject areas are in constant exchange between one another, constituting the basis for a multidisciplinary academic curriculum material as well as specialized research themes of the faculty. The Departmental Research work aims to be of the highest level, contributing new knowledge to the academic community, both locally and internationally. Through local and global academic networks, industry partners and the local community, the department aims to further develop the intersections of fields linking art, design and media & communication within a wider social, economic, cultural, political, and professional context.

Dr. Anna Merry - Assistant Professor
Dr. Anna Merry - Assistant ProfessorSpatial Design & Artefact Research Unit
Mr. Christos Andreou – Assistant Professor
Mr. Christos Andreou – Assistant ProfessorTypomedia_lab
Mr. Savvas Xinaris – Assistant Professor
Mr. Savvas Xinaris – Assistant ProfessorTypomedia_lab
Mrs. Doris Kailos – Assistant Professor
Mrs. Doris Kailos – Assistant ProfessorFashion & Textile Design
Dr. Andreas Constantinides – Associate Professor
Dr. Andreas Constantinides – Associate ProfessorMDL (Mobile Devices Laboratory)
Ms.  Panayiota Kyriakou – Project Manager / Researcher
Ms. Panayiota Kyriakou – Project Manager / ResearcherMDL (Mobile Devices Laboratory)
Financé par l’Union européenne. Les points de vue et avis exprimés n’engagent toutefois que leur(s) auteur(s) et ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de l’Union européenne ou de l’Agence exécutive européenne pour l’éducation et la culture (EACEA). Ni l’Union européenne ni l’EACEA ne sauraient en être tenues pour responsables. Numéro de projet 2023-1-CY01-KA220-HED-000160668

18, rue Mariou Agathaggelou
3080, Limassol

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t. +357 25 730975

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